Monday, October 29, 2012

frittata all day

Breakfast has always been my favorite meal. Family lore even suggests that as a baby, I was all about that first meal of the day. Before I went grain-free and sugar-free, I would have a bowl of cereal, granola, oatmeal, or grits for breakfast. On this diet, none of these options are allowed.

These days, my go-to breakfast is eggs. I prefer mine scrambled, with some cheese mixed in. Sometimes I'll shake things up and have salsa and sour cream with my eggs instead. Eggs don't have to be relegated to breakfast, though. Pull together a frittata, and you've got a great dinner or lunch, too.

Frittatas are very easy to make, and they are also versatile enough to satisfy pretty much anybody who likes eggs. Maybe it's a garden frittata kind of day, with your spinach, onions, and tomatoes. Maybe it's cold outside and you want to add loads of sausage and cheese for a filling dinner. Spend five minutes poking through your favorite recipe site to get some inspiration.

My favorite thing about frittatas is that the leftovers keep in the fridge, making it easier to cruise through the more difficult days on this diet. I've had my fair share of "gotta have something" moments that leave me rabid for something substantial and vulnerable to bad choices.

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